NEW DELHI Feb 3, 2023 (TBINN)
India has more than 94.50 crore voters, the government has said citing data provided by the Election commmssion.
In a written reply reply in Rajya sabha, Law Minister Kiren Rijjiju Said that According to the Election Commission of india, With regard to Persons enrolled on voters I.D data-base as per the final publication of electoral roll as on january 1,2023,the total number of persons enrolled werr 94,50,25,694.
According to a recent latter by E.C to political parties, in parties in 1951, India had 17.32 crore registered voters ,which rose to 19.37 crore in 1957 in 2019, when the last Lok sabha elections took Place, India Had 91.20 crore voters.
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