Reportedly, former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat is recovering from the injuries he got when his vehicle met with an accident in District Udham Singh Nagar of Uttarakhand.
The vehicle of Harish Rawat got badly damaged in the accident which happened when the former chief minister was heading towards Kashipur in Uttarakhand.
When Harish Rawat’s vehicle dashed with a divider, many people were returning from fair or mela. On seeing the accident, people rushed for help and inormed the police.
Soon, Harish Rawat was admitted in C.H.C. where he was given first aid and referred to another hospital.
Hatish Rawat went through C.T. Scan and other medical examinations.The P.S.O. of Harish Rawat also got injured in the accident.
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